Dominik Jung

Dr. Dominik Jung

  • Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
    Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften
    Institut für Wirtschaftsinformatik und Marketing
    Kaiserstraße 89, 76133 Karlsruhe


Book Chapters
  1. Robo-Advisory: Opportunities and Risks for the Future of Financial Advisory
    Jung, D.; Glaser, F.; Köpplin, W.
    2019. Advances in Consulting Research : Recent Findings and Practical Cases. Ed.: V. Nissen, 405–427, Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-95999-3
PhD Theses
  1. Robo-Advisory and Decision Inertia - Experimental Studies of Human Behaviour in Economic Decision-Making. PhD dissertation
    Jung, D.
    2019. Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT). doi:10.5445/IR/1000090689
Journal Articles
  1. Differentiating motivational and cognitive explanations for decision inertia
    Jung, D.; Erdfelder, E.; Bröder, A.; Dorner, V.
    2019. Journal of economic psychology, 72, 30–44. doi:10.1016/j.joep.2019.01.004
  2. Quo Vadis Smart Charging? A Literature Review and Expert Survey on Technical Potentials and User Acceptance of Smart Charging Systems
    Huber, J.; Schaule, E.; Jung, D.; Weinhardt, C.
    2019. World electric vehicle journal, 10 (4), 85. doi:10.3390/wevj10040085
  3. Robo-Advisory : Digitalization and Automation of Financial Advisory
    Jung, D.; Dorner, V.; Glaser, F.; Morana, S.
    2018. Business & information systems engineering, 60 (1), 81–86. doi:10.1007/s12599-018-0521-9
  4. A Practical Guide for Human Lab Experiments in Information Systems Research : A Tutorial with Brownie
    Jung, D.; Adam, M.; Dorner, V.; Hariharan, A.
    2017. Journal of systems and information technology, 19 (3/4), 228–256. doi:10.1108/JSIT-06-2017-0049
  5. Designing a robo-advisor for risk-averse, low-budget consumers
    Jung, D.; Dorner, V.; Weinhardt, C.; Pusmaz, H.
    2017. Electronic markets, 28 (3), 367–380. doi:10.1007/s12525-017-0279-9
  6. Recommendations for a general IT Service Catalogue structure
    Nissen, V.; Jung, D.; Petsch, M.; Präg, C.-P.
    2015. Enterprise Modelling and Information Systems Architectures - An International Journal, 1 (10), 468–485. doi:10.18417/emisa.10.1.5
Conference Papers
  1. The Effect of Anthropomorphism on Investment Decision-Making with Robo-Advisor Chatbots
    Morana, S.; Gnewuch, U.; Jung, D.; Granig, C.
    2020. Proceedings of the 28th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2020), AIS eLibrary (AISeL)
  2. BrownieR - The R-Package for Neuro Information Systems Research
    Michalczyk, S.; Jung, D.; Nadj, M.; Knierim, M.; Rißler, R.
    2018. Information systems and neuroscience : NeuroIS Retreat 2018, [Wien, 19.-21.06.2018]. Ed.: Fred D. Davis, 101–109, Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-01087-4_12
  3. Robo-Advisors and Financial Decision Inertia: How Choice Architecture Helps to Reduce Inertia in Financial Planning Tools
    Jung, D.; Weinhardt, C.
    2018. Proceedings of the 39th International Conference of Information Systems (ICIS 2018), December, 13-15, San Fransisco, USA
  4. How to Increase Charging Flexibility? – Developing and Testing Framing Nudges for BEV Drivers
    Huber, J.; Schaule, E.; Jung, D.
    2018. 31st Conference on Environmental Informatics (EnviroInfo 2018), Garching, 5.-7. September 2018, LRZ
  5. Is Charging Fright the new Range Anxiety? Designing Digital Nudges to increase Charging Flexibility
    Huber, J.; Wolff, M. F.; Jung, D.
    2018. 31st Conference on Environmental Informatics (EnviroInfo 2018), Garching, 5.-7. September 2018, LRZ
  6. Nudged to win - Designing robo-advisory to overcome decision inertia
    Jung, D.; Erdfelder, E.; Glaser, F.
    2018. Proceedings of the 26th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS2018), Portsmouth, UK, June 23-28, 2018
  7. Towards Designing Robo-Advisors for Inexperienced Investors with Experience Sampling of Time-Series Data
    Glaser, F.; Iliewa, Z.; Jung, D.; Weber, M.
    2018. Proceedings of the NeuroIS Retreat 2018, Vienna, A, June 19-21, 2018
  8. Nudging Flexibility – Increasing Electric Vehicle User’s Charging Flexibility with Digital Nudges
    Huber, J.; Jung, D.
    2018. Proceedings of the Workshop on Designing User Assistance in Interactive Intelligent Systems, Portsmouth, UK, 2018, 55–56, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)
  9. Decision Inertia and Arousal: Using NeuroIS to Analyze Bio-Physiological Correlates of Decision Inertia in a Dual Choice Paradigm
    Jung, D.; Dorner, V.
    2017. Proceedings of the Gmunden Retreat on NeuroIS 2017, Gmunden, A, June 12-14, 2017 [in press], Springer
  10. Designing Live Biofeedback for Groups to Support Emotion Management in Digital Collaboration
    Knierim, M. T.; Jung, D.; Dorner, V.; Weinhardt, C.
    2017. Designing the Digital Transformation : 12th International Conference (DESRIST 2017), Karlsruhe, Germany, 30 May - 1 June 2017. Ed.: A. Maedche, 479–484, Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-59144-5_35
  11. Linking Tweets with Monolingual and Cross-Lingual News using Transformed Word Embeddings
    Mogadala, A.; Jung, D.; Rettinger, A.
    2017. 18th International Conference on Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Text Processing (CICLing), Budapest, Hungary, April 17 - 23, 2017, arXiv:1710.09137
  12. Empfehlungen für eine generelle IT-Service-Katalog-Struktur
    Nissen, V.; Jung, D.; Petsch, M.; Präg, C.-P.
    2014. Dienstleistungsmodellierung 2014 : vom Servicemodell zum Anwendungssystem, Hrsg.: O. Thomas, 133–154, Gabler Verlag. doi:10.1007/978-3-658-06891-2_8
  1. Investigating Cognitive Foundations of Inertia in Decision-Making : Discussion Paper HeiKaMaxY 2018
    Jung, D.; Stäbler, J.; Weinhardt, C.
    2018. Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT). doi:10.5445/IR/1000085334
  2. Why IT-Projects Fail: A Meta-Analysis of the Construct ‘Escalating Commitment’ in Information Systems Research
    Frank, J.; Jung, D.
    2018. Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT). doi:10.5445/IR/1000084324
  3. Predicting the Admission into Medical Studies in Germany: A Data Mining approach. Open Access at KIT
    Jung, D.; Kemper, L.; Kaempgen, B.; Rettinger, A.
    2015. Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT). doi:10.5445/IR/1000045460