Kevin Traeger

Kevin Traeger

  • FZI Forschungszentrum Informatik

    Außenstelle Berlin

    Friedrichstr. 60, 10117 Berlin


Research Interest

I am studying digital behaviour in the field of political psychology with a focus on online disinformation and social media communication. For this, I generally draw on statistical methods and data science approaches.

FZI House of Participation

I am a member of the House of Participation (HoP), an FZI competence center fostering digital participation and democracy. At HoP, we focus on creating impactful digital interactions that enable all individuals to participate in decision-making across various spheres including the workplace, social life, cultural sector and political matters. Start listening to HoPcast – our podcast on democracy and participation in the digital age!



Since 11/2022

Student Assistant at FZI Research Center for Information Technology – Dept. Information Management & Analytics (IMA)

Since 10/2021

M.A. Political Science at Otto-Suhr-Institute (Free University of Berlin)

11/2020 – 04/2021

Advisor for public services at German Trade Union Confederation – National Executive Board

04/2020 – 10/2020

Internship at German Trade Union Confederation – National Executive Board,  Dept. Economic, Financial and Fiscal policy

10/2017 – 09/2021

B.A. Economics and Politics at University of Applied Science for Engineering and Economics (HTW Berlin)


Fellowships and Academic Stays Abroad

Since 10/2022

Hans-Böckler-Foundation scholarship program, scholarship holder