Dr. Carsten Holtmann

  • IBM Business Services


Müller-Gorchs, M.; Filipova-Neumann, L.; Holtmann, C.; Weinhardt, C. 2010
Quo Vadis Healthcare? Measuring service quality in the stroke chain of survival. 17th International Annual EurOMA Conference Managing Operations in Service Economies. (Porto, Portugal).

Müller-Gorchs, M.; Holtmann, C.; Filipova-Neumann, L.; Rashid, A.; Weinhardt, C. 2010
Decision Making in the Stroke Chain – The Design of an Appropriate Feedback Mechanism. Group Decision & Negotiation 2010. (Delft, Netherlands).

Walter, A.; Nagypal, G.; Stathel, S.; Holtmann, C. 2008
The Orchestration of Services for Automatic Semantic Image Annotation. Frontiers in Service Conference. (Washington D.C., USA). 145.

Heiko, P.; Carsten, H.; Stephan, S.; Olaf, Z.; Marcel, J. 2008
SOA in the Financial Industry - Technology Impact in Companies' Practice. in: Seese, D.; Schlottmann, F.; Weinhardt, C. (eds.), Handbook on IT and Finance. Heidelberg: Springer. 9–28.

van Dinther, C.; Holtmann, C.; Setzer, T.; Stage, A.; Stathel, S. 2008
Auctions for Service Brokerage in Business Value Networks. GDN, Coimbra, Portugal. Vol. 1. 43–44.

Neumann, D.; Holtmann, C.; Weinhardt, C. 2006
Using Blueprints for Engineering Electronic Market Services. The First International Workshop on Service Intelligence and Service Science(SISS). 66–74.

Weinhardt, C.; Neumann, D.; Holtmann, C. 2006
Computer-aided Market Engineering. Communications of the ACM 49(7). 79.
Available at: click here

Rashid, A.; van Dinther, C.; Holtmann, C. 2006
Mobiles Diktieren im Krankenhaus – Neue Wege mit mobiler IT (Teil 2). Krankenhaus IT-Journal 2. Antares Computerverlag, Dietzenbach.

Rashid, A.; van Dinther, C.; Holtmann, C. 2006
Mobiles Diktieren im Krankenhaus – Neue Wege mit mobiler IT (Teil1). Krankenhaus IT-Journal 1. Antares Computerverlag, Dietzenbach.

Henneberger, M.; Kundisch, D.; Holtmann, C. 2005
Börsenwettbewerb über explizite Transaktionskosten auch beim Privatanleger?. Zeitschrift für das gesamte Bank- und Börsenwesen (Österreichisches Bank-Archiv) 2. 117–129.

Neumann, D.; Holtmann, C. 2004
Embodiment Design in Market Engineering. Proceedings of the Research Symposium on Emerging Electronic Markets (RSEEM). (Dublin, Irland). 85–96.

Holtmann, C. 2004
Organisation von Märkten - Market Engineering für den elektronischen Wertpapierhandel. Fakultät Wirtschaftswissenschaften, Universität Karlsruhe (TH).

Orwat, C.; Holtmann, C. 2004
Grid-based Simulations I - Institutional Prerequisites for eScience. 4S-EASST Poster Session. (Paris, France).

Bichler, M.; Holtmann, C.; Kirn, S.; Müller, J. P.; Weinhardt, C. 2004
Coordination and Agent Technology in Value Networks. Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik (MKWI-2004). GITO Verlag, Berlin.

Weinhardt, C.; Holtmann, C.; Neumann, D. 2003
Market Engineering. Wirtschaftsinformatik 45(6). 635–640.

Holtmann, C.; Neumann, D. 2003
Market and Firm - Two Sides of a Coin. Proceedings of the 10th Research Symposium on Emerging Electronic Markets (RSEEM 2003). (Bremen).

Holtmann, C.; Neumann, D.; Weinhardt, C. 2003
Market Engineering as a holistic Approach. Discussion paper.

Holtmann, C.; Neumann, D. 2003
Konzeption eines Bezugsrahmens für die interdisziplinäre Analyse und Gestaltung elektronischer Märkte. 65. Wissenschaftliche Jahrestagung des Verbandes der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft, Poster Session. (Zürich).

Holtmann, C.; Neumann, D.; Weinhardt, C. 2002
Market Engineering - Towards an Interdisciplinary Approach. Discussion paper.

Weinhardt, C.; Holtmann, C. 2002
E-Commerce–Netze, Märkte, Technologien. Heidelberg: Physica Verlag. ISBN: 978-3790815252.

Neumann, D.; Holtmann, C.; Honekamp, T. 2002
Market Integration and Metamediation: Perspectives for Neutral B2B E-Commerce Hubs. in: Weinhardt, C.; Holtmann, C. (eds.), E-Commerce - Netze, Märkte, Technologien. Heidelberg: Physica-Verlag. 67–86. ISBN: 978-3790815252.

Neumann, D.; Holtmann, C.; Gimpel, H.; Weinhardt, C. 2002
Agent-based bidding in Electronic Markets - A Prototypical Approach. Towards the Knowledge Society: e-Commerce, e-Business and e-Government. Kluwer Academic Publishers. 553–567.
Available at: click here

Neumann, D.; Holtmann, C.; Weltzien, H.; Lattemann, C.; Weinhardt, C. 2002
Towards a Generic E-Market Design. in: Monteiro, J.; Swatman, P. M. C.; Tavares, L. V. (eds.), Towards the Knowledge Society: e-Commerce, e-Business and e-Government. Lisboa, Portugal: Kluwer Academic Publishers. 289–305.

Weinhardt, C.; Holtmann, C. 2001
Gemeinsam oder Einsam - Überlegungen zur Kooperation von Banken und Telkos. Karriereführer Finanzdienstleistungen, Titelthema.

Budimir, M.; Holtmann, C.; Neumann, D. 2001
Design of a Best Execution Market. Revue Bancaire et Financière/Bank en Financiewezen 66(2-3). 138–146.

Budimir, M.; Holtmann, C. 2001
The Design of Innovative Securities Markets: The Case of Asymmetric Information. in: H.U. Buhl, N. K.; Steck, W. (eds.), e-Finance: Innovative Problemlösungen für Informationssysteme in der Finanzwirtschaft. Springer.

Holtmann, C.; Lattemann, C.; Strecker, S.; Weinhardt, C. 2001
Transforming Financial Markets to Retail Investors: A Comparison of the U.S. and the German On-line Brokerage Market. Proceedings of the 34th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS). IEEE Computer Society. 7027.

Gomber, P.; Holtmann, C.; Kurbjuweit, C.; Moderer, S. 2000
Wertpapierbörsen im Internet - Informationsangebot aus Sicht des Privatanlegers. Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI) 2. 168–174.

Weinhardt, C.; Gomber, P.; Holtmann, C. 2000
Online-Brokerage, Transforming markets from professional to retail trading. Proceedings of the 8th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS’ 00). (Vienna, Austria). 826–832.

Weinhardt, C.; Gomber, P.; Holtmann, C.; Groffmann, H.-D. 2000
Online-Brokerage als Teil des Online-Banking - Phasenintegration als strategische Chance. in: Locarek-Junge, H.; Walter, B. (eds.), Banken im Wandel: Direktbanken und Direct Banking. Vol. 18. 99–120. Berlin: Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag.