Accreditation of Studies Abroad

Credit Transfer for Courses Completed Abroad in the Programs Business Informatics, Technical Business Economics, and Business Engineering


IMPORTANT NOTE: Please read the following instructions carefully. The examination of your documents regarding recognition will only take place upon request with the fully completed email template linked below. Other inquiries will not be processed. Inquiriers are only checked every two weeks. Hence, you have to expect at least ONE MONTH of processing from your inquiry to the final accreditation decision. 



Before you begin, please check who supervises the KIT course. The IISM-IM Recognition Team only processes courses by Prof. Christof Weinhardt. For courses at other chairs, please contact the respective recognition teams:


Students in the programs Business Informatics, Business Engineering, and Technical Business Economics have the opportunity to have their academic achievements during a stay abroad at a foreign university credited to the modules at the Information & Market Engineering chair. This allows lectures offered by IISM to be replaced. Further credit transfer options and instructions can be found here.


Before going abroad

A prerequisite for recognition is a prior agreement using the form: "Recognition Agreement for Foreign Study Achievements." For an initial assessment, a detailed course description and content summary of the event (e.g., a syllabus) must be provided. Please urgently use the email template for this purpose. Note that this is a voluntary agreement, and the binding assessment is only made after the stay abroad. Deviations from the recognition agreement that arise on-site must be promptly communicated to IISM to ensure a reevaluation of credit transfer possibilities.


  1. The course description and the form are forwarded to IISM using the linked email-template (contact address: IM-Anerkennungen∂
  2. With the involvement of the respective lecture supervisors or examiners, it is assessed whether recognition is possible. If necessary, a discussion of the matter in Prof. Weinhardt's office hours may be required.
  3. In the case of a positive decision, the student receives the original examination plan agreement, and a copy of the agreement is kept at the institute.


After the Stay Abroad

For a consistent and fast handling of recognition, the following process must be followed:

  • The student downloads the document for foreign recognition from the Website of the Faculty of Business and Economics and fills in the necessary fields (all except "Assessment for Equivalence Determination for Performance" and "Opinion").
  • The original Transcript of Record and a copy must be presented to prove the performance at the foreign university.
  • In addition, the lecture materials of the attended lecture abroad are required (electronic format is sufficient). For self-performed tasks (term papers, etc.) intended for recognition, originals are preferred.
  • The Transcript of Record, the document for foreign recognition, and the script must be submitted to IM-Anerkennungen∂ In case of clarification or desire, a date for a personal conversation with Prof. Dr. Weinhardt is arranged with the secretariat. The documents must be submitted at least one week before the scheduled date.

The following documents are required for recognition:

  • Completed recognition form
  • Original and copy of the Transcript of Record
  • Lecture materials
  • Current transcript of grades from the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology.

Types of Accreditation


With the original title (Im Originaltitel)

Here the title of the foreign course is noted on your transcript of KIT and the course is part of the supplementary offerings of the module. This is not supported by us. 

Special lecture (Spezialvorlesung)

Such a course is noted on the transcript as 'special lecture: [module title]' and the course is part of the supplementary offerings of the module.

curricular KIT lectures (KIT-Kurs)

A lectrue that is accreditated as a KIT course is noted on the transcript, but a relevant content alignment must be ensured. 

Special Topics in Information Systems (KIT Modul: Spezialveranstaltung Wirtschaftsinformatik)

Special Topics in Information Systems are only recognized under special conditions. For recognition a self-programmed software artifact and an associated elaboration must be submitted. These are examined and evaluated by the recognizing assistant at the chair. Your grade abroad has no influence on this evaluation. Furthermore, recognition only takes place after prior agreement on the subject area. In the Form, that you have to hand in, they need to be listed as a curricular KIT lecture.


Please note that all recognitions of foreign achievements are subject to a verbal examination by the responsible teachers at IISM. This means, in particular, that in case of doubt, the subject knowledge of achievements from abroad must be demonstrated in an oral examination at IISM. The necessity of such an examination is determined individually for each request.

For content-related questions, please contact IM-Anerkennungen∂