
How to write term papers and final thesis

The following guidelines shall help interested students to write term papers as well as a final thesis. Accordingly, the guidelines are not compulsory, but rather a suggestion for a clear structure. Alternative layout and documentation – maintaining a consistent form - can be used as well.

More detailed information can be found here:

Citation Guidelines

General Information

You have to hand in one copy of your paper at the institute. If you submit papers via postal mail, the date of the post mark is the date of submission. Extensions are only allowed in justified exceptional cases after agreement with the institute.

Final theses written in cooperation with industrial partners are only considered with official cooperation partners of the institute.


Templates are available for Word and Tex:


In case you encounter problems with the templates provided via Overleaf/Github, please contact the person responsible for the student colloquium.

Please consider that some of the indications in papers written in English need to be done in German (especially the statement for the diploma/bachelor’s/master’s thesis); please ensure that you have all TeX-packages installed. Otherwise, the file cannot be compiled properly.

Literature Recommendation:

Writing scientific English: a workbook
Tim Skern. - 1. Edition
Vienna: facultas.wuv, 2009. - 191 p.
ISBN 978-3-8252-3112-5

Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten und Lerntechniken (Academic Writing and Learning Techniques)
Christine Stickel-Wolf / Joachim Wolf
Gabler Verlag (ISBN: 3-409-21826-2 )