
Requirements Thesis and Term Papers

The examination regulations include the detailed requirements for bachelor’s or master’s theses, such as the scheduled duration for the thesis. Some general requirements are described in the following.

I. Objectives and Formal Requirements

The bachelor's/master's thesis should demonstrate that the candidate is able to work independently on a problem from his field of study within a given period of time using scientific methods. The topic, task and scope are to be limited by the supervisor in such a way that the thesis can be finished within the time period that is defined in the respective examination regulations.


The scheduled thesis’ duration depends on the particular programme.

  • Bachelor Programme: For Industrial Engineering and Economics Engineering students, the scheduled thesis’ duration is three months (SPO 2007) or six months (SPO 2015), one month longer upon request. For Information Systems students, the recommended thesis’ duration is four months, with a maximum of five months. The total effort should not exceed 360 hours.
  • Master Programme: The thesis’ duration for Industrial Engineering, Economic Engineering and Information Systems students is six months. In justified cases, the scheduled time can be extended by a maximum of three months. The total effort is calculated with 900 hours.


The thesis has to include the following statement (because of legal implications this has to be written in German):

  • » Ich versichere wahrheitsgemäß, die Arbeit selbstständig verfasst, alle benutzten Hilfsmittel vollständig und genau angegeben und alles kenntlich gemacht zu haben, was aus Arbeiten anderer unverändert oder mit Abänderungen entnommen wurde sowie die Satzung des KIT zur Sicherung guter wissenschaftlicher Praxis in der jeweils gültigen Fassung beachtet zu haben. «

In the case of theses which are written in English, this declaration can also be given in English, with regard to all the information and in agreement with the responsible examiner.

The complete examination regulation can be downloaded on the web pages of the Faculty of Economics.

The application form for admission to a bachelor’s or master’s thesis, is available here. Please note that the title of bachelor's and master's theses has to be filled out in English as well as in German.

II. Bachelor- and Master Candidate Colloquium

Participating in the Bachelor-and Master Candidate Colloquium is obligatory at the chair of Information and Market Engineering. Please make sure to enlist into the corresponding Ilias-course. You will be invited to the bi-weekly appointments through the course. Additionally, you will find an overview of all dates for the meetings of the current semester.

III. How to hand in your thesis:
  • 1 bounded copy
  • 1 electronic version in pdf-format via Mail
  • electronically available sources via Mail
  • online-sources (websites) as pdf-file(s) via Mail
  • further files (source codes, excel sheets, etc.) via Mail or on sharing platforms


Please note: Starting from WS2020-2021, each bachelor/master student must create a poster illustrating the central motivation and main findings of his thesis.


IV. External Theses

Writing a thesis / term paper in cooperation with an external partner is possible upon individual agreement.

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