Student Job Offers

Student Job Offers at the Research Group Information & Market Engineering (IM)

Without the engagement and support of our student research assistants, not only the day-to-day business at the IM, but also the overall achievement of our targets would be hardly conceivable. Our students are not simply regarded as “auxiliary staff members“, but are integrated in our structure as full members of our research group. Within the IM, each student belongs to one of our teams that cover the following task areas:

  • Public Relations -  external representation and visibility
  • Internal -  internal operations and processes
  • Technical administration - technical infrastructure
  • Research -  research projects, conferences and publications

Areas of Responsibility

The tasks in the research group Information & Market Engineering are manifold and range from the support of the internal management to special tasks in the context of teaching and active assistance in research topics. Our student research assistants get the possibility to acquire technical as well as organizational skills and gain practical experience in a team of more than 30 colleagues. They furthermore get introduced to scientific work and methodologies. Within their individual task cycle, and especially promoted by continuous and high-quality work, our student employees are offered multiple possibilities concerning participation in research projects, stays abroad at our partners’ institutions, continued employment after graduation, and more.

Application to a specific team

In addition to outstanding academic achievements, we expect the following abilities from our student assistants:

  • prominent ability to work in a team,
  • commitment,
  • creativity,
  • reliability,
  • enthusiasm and
  • the willingness, to shoulder responsibility.

Are you interested in being a part of our team? Do you want to develop yourself along with us? Then please send an application with an appropriate cover letter, your recent transcript of records and your CV to one of the above-mentioned team leaders or the general contact person (see below).

The Karlsruhe Institute of Technology strives for an increased proportion of women in research and teaching and thus especially welcomes applications of female students. Disabled persons are preferentially considered in the application process, if their qualification is equal to that of other applicants.

We are looking forward to meeting you!

General application

If there are currently no special job offers available, you can also send an unsolicited application to one of our team leaders. In this case, please describe the activities and work you are particularly interested in.

In case of any questions, suggestions and criticisms please refer to our contacts person for student research assistants: Sabine Schneider or office-ise∂iism kit edu. The contact details of our team and Prof. Weinhardt are provided on our team-site.