Dr. Paul Karänke
Technische Universität München
Department of Informatics (I18)
Boltzmannstr. 3
85748 Garching, Germany
Begutachtete Beiträge in Konferenz- und Sammelbänden |
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Decision-making based on incident data analysis. Business Informatics (CBI), 2014 16th IEEE Conference on. (Geneva). |
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A Risk-Aware Decision Model for Service Sourcing (Short Paper). Service-Oriented Computing and Applications (SOCA), 2013 IEEE 6th International Conference on. (Kauai). 135–139. doi:10.1109/SOCA.2013.54 |
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Bid-Price Control for the Formation of Multiagent Organisations. Proceedings of the 11th German Conference on Multiagent System Technologies (MATES 2013), September, 16–20, Koblenz, Germany. |
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Sourcing Strategies for Energy-efficient Virtual Organisations in Cloud Computing. Proceedings of the 15th IEEE Conference on Business Informatics (CBI 2013), July, 15–18, Vienna, Austria. |
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Distributed knowledge sharing for patient guidance eHealth services. Proceedings of the 21st European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2013), June, 5–8, Utrecht, The Netherlands. |
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Energy-aware Service Allocation for Cloud Computing. Proceedings of Wirtschaftsinformatik 2013 (WI 2013), February, 27–March, 01, Leipzig, Germany. |
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Ontology-based QoS Aggregation for Composite Web Services. Proceedings of Wirtschaftsinformatik 2013 (WI 2013), February, 27–March, 01, Leipzig, Germany. |
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Inter-organizational Interoperability through Integration of Multiagent, Web Service, and Semantic Web Technologies. in: Fischer, K.; Müller, J. P.; Levy, R. (eds.), Agent-Based Technologies and Applications for Enterprise Interoperability. Vol. 98, part 2, Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing (LNBIP). Springer. 55–75. |
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Enhancing the Grid with Multi-agent and Semantic Capabilities. in: Preve, N. (ed.), Computational and Data Grids: Principles, Applications and Design. IGI Global. 314–342. |
10 |
Individualization of Goods and Services: Towards a Logistics Knowledge Infrastructure for Agile Supply Chains. Proceedings of the 2011 AAAI Spring Symposium on Business Agility, March, 21-23, Stanford, USA. 36–49. |
11 |
Towards Ontology-based QoS Aggregation for Composite Web Services. in: Fähnrich, K. P.; Franczyk, B. (eds.), Proceedings of Informatik 2010, 40. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. (INFORMATIK 2010), November, 27–October, 1, Leipzig, Germany. 120–125. |
12 |
Qualitative spatial reasoning with topological information in {BDI. Proceedings of the Artificial Intelligence and Logistics (AILog) workshop at ECAI 2010, August, 17, Lisbon, Portugal. |
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A Multi-tier Negotiation Protocol for Logistics Service Chains. Proceedings of the 18th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2010), June, 6–9, Pretoria, South Africa. |
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Towards Model Checking & Simulation of a Multi-Tier Negotiation Protocol for Service Chains (Extended Abstract). in: Hoek, v.; Kaminka; Lesperance; Luck; Sen (eds.), Proceedings of 9th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2010), May, 10–14, Toronto, Canada. 1559–1560. |
15 |
Inter-organizational Interoperability through integration of Multiagent, Web Service, and Semantic Web Technologies. in: Müller, J. P.; Fischer, K.; Levy, R. (eds.), Proceedings of the 4th Agent-based Technologies and applications for enterprise interOPerability Workshop (ATOP 2010) at AAMAS 2010, May, 10, Toronto, Canada. 25–36. |
16 |
Agent-supported Service Management and Monitoring for Flexible Interenterprise Cooperation. Proceedings of the International Conference on Research and Practical Issues of Enterprise Information Systems (CONFENIS 2009), October, 28–30, Gyor, Hungary. |
17 |
Adaptive SLA Management along Value Chains for Service Individualization. in: Alt, R.; Faehnrich, K. P.; Franczyk, B. (eds.), Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Services Science (ISSS 2009), March, 23–25, Leipzig, Germany. Logos, Berlin. |
18 |
Georeferenzierung in der Logistik (German). in: Hansen, H.; Karagiannis, D.; Fill, H. G. (eds.), Proceedings of Wirtschaftsinformatik 2009 (WI 2009), February, 25–27, Vienna, Austria. 759–768. |
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Georeferenzierung in der Logistik (German). in: Kirn, S. (ed.), Individualization Engineering. Cuvillier. 135–149. |
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Individualisierung von Logistikleistungen an Flughäfen durch Elektronische Märkte (German). in: Kirn, S. (ed.), Individualization Engineering. Cuvillier. 187–202. |
21 |
Integration einer Multiagentensimulation in ein Geoinformationssystem (German). Proceedings of the Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik (MKWI 08), February, 26–28, Garching, Germany. |
22 |
Towards a Market-Centric OGSA-Compliant Architecture Model. Proceedings of the Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik (MKWI 08), February, 26–28, Garching, Germany. |
23 |
Service Level Agreements: An Evaluation from a Business Application Perspective. Proceedings of the eChallenges e-2007 Conference, October, 24–26, The Hague, Netherlands. |