Guest Lecture by Prof. Harmen Oppewal about eye tracking
- Date: 21.06.2017
In the course of the PhD course about eye tracking that will take part from 26.6.-30.6.2017 and is organized by Jella Pfeiffer from IISM, we are happy to announce the following guest speaker:
Speaker: Professor Harmen Oppewal (Monash Business School, Melbourne, Australia)-
Date: Wednesday, 28th, 11.30-12.30
Place: KD2Lab, Teamroom A
- Title: Research in action: adventures with eye-tracking and lessons learnt
This presentation will provide an overview of a research program that emerged from a mix of interdisciplinary research interests and opportunities and will demonstrate the appeals and pitfalls of research using eyetracking. Rather than going into technical details of one project the presentation will briefly discuss several projects, all concerning consumer decision making (including assortment, pricing and decision research) and how these involved some form of eyetracking. The overview will explain how eyetracking can facilitate interdisciplinary research and act as a research platform for new collaborations and explorations, provided certain criteria are met. The presenter will refer to experiences gained from the development of the behavioural lab at Monash University
Harmen Oppewal is a Professor of Marketing and Head of the Department of Marketing in the Monash Business School. Harmen teaches consumer behaviour and research methods at postgraduate levels. His research focuses on consumer behaviour in retail and related services contexts, using experimental, modelling and/or interpretative methods. Harmen authored over 50 publications in major (A*/A) journals in marketing, psychology, planning, tourism and transportation including: Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of Marketing Research, European Journal of Marketing, International Journal of Research in Marketing, Journal of Business Research, Journal of Economic Psychology, Journal of Retailing, Marketing Letters, Psychology and Marketing, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, Acta Psychologica, Environment and Behavior, Environment and Planning A, Geographical Analysis, Papers in Regional Science, Leisure Sciences, Journal of Travel Research, Tourism Management, Transportation, and Transportation Research A. -