Final Presentation "Practical Seminar in Digital Experience"

  • Date: 15.08.2017
  • On the 14th of July the final results of the interdisciplinary "Practical Seminar in Digital Experience", a collaborational project between the University of Arts and Design (HfG) Karlsruhe and the Institute of Information Systems and Marketing IISM of the KIT, were presented at the annual exhibition of the HfG Karlsruhe. The seminar has taken place as part of the DX-Networks.
    In the course of one semester interdisciplinary groups of computer scientists, students of engineering economics and designers developed three innovative projects on the extended topics of Digital Experience, Gamification and Media Narration. The seminar was especially focused on contentual innovation through free exploration of the defined topics- and their borders.

    The resulting projects comprise:
    • (1) a voice commanded messenger for the elderly (implemented with Amazon Alexa) from the topics AAL (Ambient Assisted Living) and UX (User Experience)

    • (2) an interactive negative-example as demonstrational material for a bad User Experience from the topics UX and user interface

    • (3) an interactive VR-installation with Google Deepdream generated environmental distorsion adressing the topics VR (Virtual Reality) and machine learning

    The collaboration was a big success and will be continued in the next semester.