Collaboration with Politecnico di Milano – looking for thesis candidates!
- Date: 26.09.2019
In July, a team from IISM visited the PHEEL laboratory at Politectnico di Milano, Italy. We spent a very productive day with Prof. Lucio Lamberti, PhD candidate Marco Mandolfo and their colleagues, discussing our research and lab facilities with an eye to future cooperation. We are happy to announce that we will begin our collaboration on the topic of impulse buying, exploring the cognitive and affective factors that determine such behaviour and the psychophysiology that lies behind them. Our labs, PHEEL and KD2Lab at KIT, provide us with an excellent infrastructure for carrying out our research.
We are looking for students who are interested in working on a master or bachelor thesis on the topic of impulse buying. And yes, this is likely to involve a visit to Milan to present your results to our colleagues there! Please refer to our Diploma/Thesis website for currently open theses in this collaboration. The thesis topics will change as our collaboration progresses. If you are interested but cannot find a specific topic (anymore), please contact or