Call for Papers on intersection of Social Media and Society
- Date: 20.11.2024
the i-com journal has announced a special issue and chose the head of HoP Dr. Jonas Fegert as one of the guest editors. They call for submissions on the intersection of social media and society, answering questions about influencing factors on democratic processes, public opinion and the spread of disinformation. Deadline is the 28/02/25.
Full text for individual news page:
Trump’s victory in the U.S elections made it more evident than ever that social media and platforms shape public opinion, political engagement and even electoral outcomes.The I-com Journal is excited to announce a Special Issue, guest-edited by Stefan Stieglitz, Hanna Krasnova, Christof Weinhardt, Georg Voronin, and Dr. Jonas Fegert, head of the House of Participation. We are calling for submissions that explore the intersections between social media and society, with a focus on topics such as:
How do social media platforms influence democratic processes?
What role does social media play in shaping public opinion on divisive issues?
How can we better understandand migate the spread of disinformation online?
If your research examines the impact of social media on political movements, public discourse, or broader societal trends, we encourage you to submit your paper.
Submission Deadline: 28th February 2025
More Information: Special Issue on “Social Media and Society” – i-com – Journal of Interactive Media